"The Red and White Terrors: Civil War and Political Savagery in Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls."
                  ​The Hemingway Review, Fall 2021.

“‘We Were in Switzerland Together:” Catherine and Frederic and the Lake Scene in A Farewell to Arms.”
                  The Hemingway Review. Fall 2019.

“‘That Fat Ass Franco’ and the ‘Spanish Issue’ in Ernest Hemingway's Across the River and into the Trees.”
                  The Hemingway Review. Spring 2016.

Book Review: From Guernica to Human Rights: Essays on The Spanish Civil War, Peter N. Carroll.
                  The Hemingway Review. Fall 2015.

“‘Los Aviónes!’: The Interpretation of a New Warscape in The Spanish Earth, Picasso's Guernica and For Whom the Bell Tolls.” The Hemingway Review. Fall 2014.

“‘The Stone House in the Cañon’: Mary Hallock Foote and a Vision of Home in the West.” Boise @ One Five Zero: Essays and Poems from the City of Trees. 2013.

Film Review: “Hemingway and Gellhorn.” Ivens Magazine. Nov-Dec 2013.

“Hemingway and the Spanish Civil War.” Hemingway in Context. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Book Review: Hemingway's Second War: Bearing Witness to the Spanish Civil War, Alex Vernon. The Hemingway Review. Fall 2011.

“Pilar and Maria: Hemingway's Feminist Homage to the 'New Woman' of Spain.” The Hemingway Review. Spring 2011.

“The Spanish Earth, Guernica, For Whom the Bell Tolls and the Spanish Pavilion.” Ivens Magazine. June-July 2010.

“'Now You Have Seen It': Ernest Hemingway and Joris Ivens and The Spanish Earth.” The Hemingway Review. Fall 2010.